Information about you such as your name and date of birth.

When you save your COVID Card on your phone, you ask your healthcare provider or authorized third party to provide us with certain information. Find your COVID Card If you added an icon to your home screen Tip: If you don’t find “Add Quick Access” after you take a screenshot, your healthcare provider may not support this feature. Learn how to take a screenshot with your Pixel phone.

Tip: If you get further shots after adding your COVID card, you must re-add your card with the steps above to update your information. If you want to access your COVID Card on multiple devices, you will need to manually save the card on each device. Important: Your COVID Card is stored locally on your device. To find your COVID Card easier, we recommend that you create this shortcut.

You’ll be asked if you want to add an icon to your home screen. To add your COVID Card to your device, read through the consent information and tap I Agree.This is for added security and to help protect your personal information. If you don’t have one already, you may need to set a screen lock.If you’re asked if you want to save with Chrome or Google Pay, choose Google Pay even if you don’t have the Google Pay app. Find your COVID-19 vaccination or test information.With your device, visit the website, app, email, or text from your healthcare provider.